Park Rules
Trout Haven Park Rules

- You are responsible for your guests
- All visitors must register upon arrival
- Rates are payable in advance
- Daily: $5 per adult (expires 11pm)
- Overnight $10 per adult (expires 12pm)
- No smoking in any public area. This includes bathrooms and recreation hall
- Please do not disturb your neighbours
Quiet Time
- No music or noise is permitted during these times
- 11pm to 8am Sunday to Thursday
- Midnight to 8am Friday & Saturday (+ Sunday on Long Weekends)
- No machines, lawn cutting, sawing or hammering
The Fire Chief grants permission, for open air burnings that are contained within noncombustible containers or pits specifically designed for open air burnings. The following regulations shall apply to open air burnings for recreational purposes:
- Recreational open air burnings may be conducted between the hours of 4 PM and Midnight only.
- No materials other than commercially produced charcoal, briquettes, or clean dry seasoned wood may be burned.
- Recreational open air burning shall be confined to non-combustible containers or a pit no larger than two (2) feet (60 centimetres) by two (2) feet (60 centimetres) in size.
- Recreational open air burning shall be conducted in such a manner as to preclude the escape from the fire of combustible solids such as sparks and ash.
- The dimensions of the wood being burned shall not be greater than the size of the container or fire pit and shall be totally confined within the container or pit at all times.
Exception – Barbecues, permission is not required from the Fire Chief for the use of a barbecue to cook food. Barbecues being used to cook food shall have a grill, be attended, controlled and supervised at all times by the owner, occupant.
Speed Limit
- 10 km/h
- Only licensed, sober drivers are permitted to drive your vehicle
Bicycles or Kiddie Cars
- Are not permitted to be driven in the park after dark. Motorcycles and minibikes are acceptable for in and out of campground only
Recreation Hall
- No smoking in Rec Hall
- Please be sure beverages are kept in plastic or cans
- Glass bottles are not permitted to be carried around the campground!
- Must be placed in plastic bags and disposed of in the bin on the way out of the campground on the right hand side of our main entrance
- 17 years and younger must be with a parent or guardian after 10pm and must not be left alone in the park at any time
- Must be kept on a 6′ leash non retractable at all times and not be allowed to bother campers
- Please stoop and scoop
- Pit bulls are not permitted
Management Reserves The Right
- for access to any site at any time for inspection, maintenance or septic pumping
- to eject without notice or refund any objectionable person who causes a disturbance or becomes a nuisance